As well as having a fully-dedicated in-house innovation team, we also work with selected external partners, as needed, to help us to deliver our support for innovators. We only recommend people who we trust ourselves with our own business, so you can rest assured knowing that this small selection of suppliers is vetted and come with our personal recommendation. If you would like further guidance on our trusted partners, please email us

Spreading the adoption of health tech through DTAC compliance

We’re invested in the 8foldGovernance mission to ensure that transformative health technologies reach everyone who needs them.

As a health tech supplier, getting your product adopted by the NHS requires the most scrupulous approach to information governance, data protection, clinical safety and cyber security. That’s where 8fold can help. 

NHS DTAC compliance services
As a trusted partner, 8fold supports digital health technology companies to NHS procurement and beyond. With everything you need to take your health technology to market, the 8fold team provides a range of professional compliance services focussed around the NHS Digital Technology Assessment Criteria (DTAC) or ‘DTAC’. 

DTAC is the regulatory standard introduced by NHS England to ensure that all health tech products and services used within the NHS and social care, conform to the highest standards of quality and safety.

8fold are the DTAC delivery experts. They focus on getting the right digital health innovations – done in the right way – to market. This supports their mission to create a safe, compliant digital ecosystem of healthcare technologies delivering the best possible patient outcomes and experience.

The 8fold DTAC service includes:

Free DTAC review
As a member of KSS AHSN, you will be offered a free DTAC review. This will assess your current level of DTAC compliance and uncover any gaps in your pending submission before it’s too late. 

Access the UK’s only DTAC Portal
Where further support is needed, you will benefit from access to the ‘8fold DTAC Portal’. The Portal allows health tech suppliers to easily share their compliance status, evidence and supporting documentation with NHS and social care organisations. This streamlines the entire process whilst the associated digital assurance badges provide evidence of your compliance, helping you to win further contracts. 

Ready to get started?
Simply book your free, no-obligation discovery call today and let 8fold do the rest.