KSS AHSN recognises that along with an innovative product which brings value to the NHS, every business, irrespective of size, may have to at some point contribute to or lead on a business case. However, not everyone is confident in doing this, and there can be significant variation in how business cases are undertaken within health and social care organisations.

This bite sized workshop is to support innovators/SMEs with how to approach business cases. The focus will be on helping participants understand the purpose of a business case, HM Treasury frameworks for what public sector business cases need to cover, and the components of a good business case. We will go through how to best prepare for each section of a business case, use examples of local KSS NHS templates and other tips and advice which can’t be found in frameworks but are vital to think about when working with the health and social care sector.

We plan to keep the numbers low to allow for participant interaction and to help each company. Whilst this is open to all companies, those with less of a background in business may find it most useful. 

The workshop takes place on 16 November, 14:00 – 16:00.