Along with a product or service which benefits health and social care, innovators need to ensure there’s a sustainable business behind it. This ensures growth for the company and provides the health and care system with the certainty it needs when designing and commissioning care for patients and citizens.
But business planning often gets set aside as engaging with clinicians and commissioners, product development and securing funding takes over.
The KSS AHSN industry team is offering this bite sized workshop to support innovators and SMEs with their thinking around their long-term strategy and business planning. The focus will be on helping participants to plan their commercial offering alongside the growth of the business, putting their vision and sustainability at the heart of their planning.
We will keep the number of places at the workshop low to allow for participant interaction and to help each company. Whilst this is open to all companies, those with less of a background in business may find it most useful. The workshop takes place on 15 September from 10am to 11.30am.